Staff Team
The management team believe that a well-trained and qualified workforce is key to providing quality care and learning opportunities for children and to support our childcare and education philosophy.
We expect, encourage and support all our staff to continue their own learning and development and ensure staff have in-depth knowledge and understanding gained through continuing professional development and higher level qualifications. We also consider it essential that staff must have the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to observe, scaffold and plan for children's learning effectively, identifying and meeting any additional needs.
We work in partnership with Worcester County Council to access a range of courses including mandatory courses such as First Aid, Food Hygiene and Safeguarding as well as Continuous Professional Development courses such as Letters and Sounds, Maths in the Early Years, Behavior Management. In addition to this Coppice Care Club runs a range of in-house training for staff.
Our Management Team:
Jackie Howse, Director
Amanda Hopkins, Manager
Katie Young, Manager
Our Practitioners
Colette - Deputy Manager - Currently on Maternity Leave
Joanne - Deputy Manager
Amy, Rebecca, Dianne, Phillip, Lisa, Lindsey.