Before/ After School Club
The Before and After School Club is for children who attend Nursery up to Year 6 of the Coppice Primary School. Our aim is to provide local parents with safe, reliable and fun Before / After School childcare for their children.
Coppice Care Club – Breakfast Club
Open from 7.30 am until the start of school (times vary dependant on which class a child is in)
A healthy breakfast of
● Toast and preserves
● Variety of Cereals
are provided for children to choose from.
We believe in promoting independence in children and children are encouraged to pour their own cereal and milk and butter their own toast.
Children can choose from a variety of activities they wish to take part in and is focused on quieter activities. Children are encouraged to choose from games and activities such as Lego, board games, puzzles, books, drawing, small world toys, outside activities and a limited time on our games console.
Coppice Care Club – After School Club
After School Club runs from when the first class finishes until 6.00pm.
End of School until 4.30pm
End of School until 5.30pm
End of School until 6.00pm.
School Clubs – For children who like to attend school clubs we are able to collect them when the Club is finished and bring them back to Coppice Care Club until parents collect them.
Children are provided with a healthy snack when they come in from school. We display the week’s menu on our notice board. If you child has an allergy, please let us know so we can provide an alternative snack where necessary.
Children are generally divided into two age groups (although siblings can stay together if they wish), with our younger children staying in the main Centre and older children using a classroom nearby which is set up for After School Club each evening. The staff in each room plan a variety of activities for the different aged children and all children have the option of going outside to play once all the parents/school children have left the premises and the gates are secure.